Posted October 27, 2019
I have recently discovered that my IP address has changed to
Pilots: Make sure your mplayer.ini file contains the following meta server address in the MetaServers section:
Server=TCP: ; Swordfish
Server operators: Make sure your rb2server.ini file contains the following meta server info:
// * * * * META-SERVER SETTINGS * * * *
TCP: ; Swordfish
Please notify me if you cannot see my server or register with my metaserver.
Pilots: Make sure your mplayer.ini file contains the following meta server address in the MetaServers section:
Server=TCP: ; Swordfish
Server operators: Make sure your rb2server.ini file contains the following meta server info:
// * * * * META-SERVER SETTINGS * * * *
TCP: ; Swordfish
Please notify me if you cannot see my server or register with my metaserver.