mad357: Is there any way beside of war or uniting bloc to get land from foreign country? I'm trying to get economic victory, i view projects, but i see no option to buy land or something similar. I also saw colonize option, but it's no use in my situation
sorry but there is no other ways of getting land besides the war and blocks,war is not so bad if you can get away with it,you have to get the claims first to avoid getting allot warmongering with either actions of spy's,spy's are much better fo this purpose because they have a higher success chance,then declare war,get the tiles with claims on them in the peace deal,if you dont have allot of money for armies get black market cooperation and other spy policies that boost the tax earnings ( i dont know if its a bug or not but the lower the tax rate the bigger the bonus is from those policies to the point that you actually earn MORE from lowering the tax than increasing it so get the tax range increasing policies too)