The page is indeed missing in the GoG downloaded Manual, but can be found online.
Lemonamiga Documents The direct quote from the particular section in the manual follows:
Wand Spells
These powerful rituals allow a Magician to "charge" a wand with certain
spells. Although the effort takes immense amounts of astral points, the
charge is permanant. It's assumed that an appropriately charged wand is
used automati- cally if the situation calls for it. Further, the wand may
hold more than one spell at a time.
There are four different rituals, or charges, that wands may hold:
#1 Makes a magic wand unbreakable and prepares it to be
charged with further spells. Any Magician / Magicienne starts
the game with a wand already containing this charge
#2 After successful completion of this ritual (at a cost of 23 astral
points) the wand can be used at any time as an undousable
torch. Blade assumes any Magician with charge #2 uses it
automatically in dungeons and caves, so no other characters
need carry a light.
#3 This allows the caster to turn his wand into a rope 1O paces long
whenever he or she wants to. The rope will attach itself to any
protruding rock ledge, hook etc when thrown. The ritual has
a cost of 19 astral points. Blade assumes any Magician with
charge #3 will automatically use the wand as a rope when in
an appropriate situation, like climbing for example.
#4 This ritual allows the Magician / Magicienne to cast any spell
at a cost reduced by 2 AP (minimum cost for any spell: 1 AP).
This ritual costs 27 astral points.
To answer all your questions:
1) You can't attach a specific spell of your choosing to your wand. To make it easier to understand, think of as Upgrades rather than imbuements. You upgrade your wand by going to a inn, booking a room and selecing the Wand Upgrade from the magic menue. If you have enough astral points, finish up other business and then click Sleep. Next morning, if it succeeded, your wand will have been upgraded.
2) No usable spells can be imbued into the wand. You get the benefits of the wand by holding it in your primary hand. Thus to "use" the wand in combat, you simply hold it ( or smack someone with it ;) ).
3) See above. :)
Best regards!