hercufles: alright thanks but does higher negative doesnt get any problems in the game?
For the most part, no. The only negative stat you should be worried about is the superstituion stat, as this directly affect your magic resistance.
The finger skill is needed for opening lock, so your dungeon leader (most of the time the dwarf) should have it rather high.
Take your time in the chracter creation. It is possible to 13 in all positive stats. I disagree on mage, there you should advance intellegence. And mages use the spear skill, as they are never unarmed.
The "killer group" has at 1 Warrior/Knight, 1 Dwarf, 1 Mage, 3 Elves. All the other classes are inferior to those three. (But still fun to play)
Take you time to read about the skills and especially the spells. The best magical weopons of RoA are in part one. Use odem arcanum to spot those!
How good is your German? There is a very comprehensive German RoA site:
Apart from that stick to kmonsters advice.