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Do not be fooled by the looks of these dated graphics. Rainbow Six has a lot to offer a player who wants a little bit more than a run an' gun shooter.
This game offers players a chance to to select/configure teams, members, weapons (primary and secondary) and uniforms including armour. You can select the pathways that your teams will take during the execution of the mission, hopefully with minimal casualties. When planned correctly you can get your teams to surround a room and clear it in tandem. A thing of beauty that I find extremely self satisfiying. However, if you don't want to take the time to intricately explore all of the parts to mission planning there are default plans from the man in charge that is more than capable in order to get you throught the mission successfully.
I also appreciate the one to two hit incapacitations or deaths incorporated into the game making missions very challenging and realistic. When your character is removed from the action of the game you take control of the next member of your fire team and carry on. Be sure to keep the logistics of that in mind when setting your team rosters.
Keeping in the vein of realism the games story progresses through basic hostage rescue scenarios to intel gathering for upcoming missions. All of which are woven into a storyline that is intriguing to follow and makes you want to play the next mission.
Overall, I had so much fun with this game I had to buy it again when a superior version of it was available to me. The music is motivating, the setting and atmosphere is well thought out and though serious the presentation is fun. I would recommend this game to people who want a shooter that is deeper than your average teaspoon.