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high rated
‘Transport Update’ (version 1.5) has been released
New features
- Placing warehouses near cities or rural businesses will open new possibilities in transport.
-> Explanation:
Warehouses receive a radius of influence like train stations. If the user sets up a warehouse close enough to a city or a rural business, a connecting line between the warehouse and the city/business is displayed, as in the case of train stations. After placing the warehouse, it will be connected to the city/business. Warehouses close to cities or rural businesses then exchange goods with each other automatically.
As a result, cities can be supplied easier and with less congestion!
- Also new, is a filter that has been added for the “Replace locomotives” dialog in the engine shed. It is now possible to replace locomotives based on station type (city, rural).
- The in-game Tips & Tricks ’Transport Business’ section now features information regarding the reworked warehouses.

- We have fixed a bug while constructing crossings.
- Additionally, we have corrected some AI problems in complex track laying mode.
- In the Mexico region, we have fixed passenger wagons in the 100 years scenario that were not properly changing appearance when shifting into new eras.


[DE]Das ‚Transport Update‘ (Version 1.5) wurde veröffentlicht

Neue Features
- Lagerhäuser können nun direkt mit Städten und Landbetrieben verbunden werden, indem sie in deren Nähe errichtet werden. Damit ergeben sich viele neue Möglichkeiten für den Warentransport.
-> Auswirkung: Lagerhäuser besitzen wie Bahnhöfe nun ein Einflussradius.
Beim Platzieren werden in der Nähe befindliche Landbetriebe/Städte mit dem Lagerhaus verbunden. Ein automatisierter Warenaustausch findet statt. Das minimiert den Stau der Züge und Städte lassen sich dadurch einfacher versorgen.
- Ebenfalls neu ist der Filter für den Dialog „Lokomotive ersetzen“ im Lokschuppen. Dadurch können nun auch Lokomotiven anhand des Bahnhoftyps (Stadt, Land) herausgefiltert werden.
- In den Ingame-Tipps-&-Tricks wurde die Kategorie „Transportgeschäft“ um Warenhäuser erweitert.[/list]

- Es wurde ein Fehler beim Bau von Gleiskreuzungen behoben.
- Ebenfalls wurde ein Fehler im komplexen Gleisbaumodus der KI behoben.
- In der Region Mexiko haben sich beim 100-jährigen Szenario die Passagierwaggons optisch nicht an die Jahre angepasst. Dies wurde nun geändert.
Awesome game, very addicting.

Food for thought, future considerations...

1) Have the ability to 'add' a warehouse to 'normal' and 'large' stations with the large station having an upgrade option. Maybe half of a load goes to the city and the other to the warehouse and if the city runs out it draws from the warehouse.

2) An optional setting to set the return value of deleted stations and track to 'zero' after they've been operational for a certain amount of time. Maybe even have it cost money to remove them. This would even things up against the AI. The game is challenging, not necessarily the AI.

The game is a blast. I'm hooked. This game will grow in popularity. That's my prediction.
There is an issue with corn and automobiles being transported. I see a hotfix has been released on Steam. Hopefully this will appear on GoG soon.

Thanks in advance.
high rated
Changelog for Update 1.5 hotfix (added 21 August 2018):

- With the recently released hotfix, we have fixed a bug that prevented corn and automotive from getting transported