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Doing the ireland scenario and something is confusing me regarding my Industry Profits. Income Statement and the counter for victory conditions don't match up. By about 5 Million.

Income Statement, Lifetime Industry Profit: 8.801 k (or jsut shy of 9 Million)
Victory Conitions, Industry Profit: 3.810.326 (or under 4 Million)

I can think of a few ways inprecision could be thrown into that:
Rounding up to next full 1k every year. But taht would only acount for about 30k.
The Income Sheet is the sum the Liftime Income of All owned Inustries - inlcuding the part where it was not yet in your hands.
The income sheet somehow forgot to substract the costs.

Anybody having an idea what it could be?
ChristopherG: Doing the ireland scenario and something is confusing me regarding my Industry Profits. Income Statement and the counter for victory conditions don't match up. By about 5 Million.

Income Statement, Lifetime Industry Profit: 8.801 k (or jsut shy of 9 Million)
Victory Conitions, Industry Profit: 3.810.326 (or under 4 Million)

I can think of a few ways inprecision could be thrown into that:
Rounding up to next full 1k every year. But taht would only acount for about 30k.
The Income Sheet is the sum the Liftime Income of All owned Inustries - inlcuding the part where it was not yet in your hands.
The income sheet somehow forgot to substract the costs.

Anybody having an idea what it could be?
As I remember it is not the lifetime profit, it means yearly profit.
By the way how many industries you own?
ChristopherG: Doing the ireland scenario and something is confusing me regarding my Industry Profits. Income Statement and the counter for victory conditions don't match up. By about 5 Million.

Income Statement, Lifetime Industry Profit: 8.801 k (or jsut shy of 9 Million)
Victory Conitions, Industry Profit: 3.810.326 (or under 4 Million)

I can think of a few ways inprecision could be thrown into that:
Rounding up to next full 1k every year. But taht would only acount for about 30k.
The Income Sheet is the sum the Liftime Income of All owned Inustries - inlcuding the part where it was not yet in your hands.
The income sheet somehow forgot to substract the costs.

Anybody having an idea what it could be?
wongheiming: As I remember it is not the lifetime profit, it means yearly profit.
By the way how many industries you own?
Pretty sure it means lifetime industry profit. As I my best industries only managed about 400k Profit per year and only 2-4 of them. I would have had issues even getting two miilion yearly income, much less what the victory screen showed.

Interestingly I mananaged to do this scenario with Silver. Despite the Victory Condition page still saying I am short of the 5 Million Liftime goal.

My most profitable ones were (with at or over 100k/Year):
2 Textile Mills, 2 Dairy Farms*, 1 Dairy Processor, 1 Brewery

The next bracket (10-40k per year) were:
4 Sheep Farms, Dairy Processor, 1 Hotel

After that 1-2 times that many <10k or slight losses per year.
Usualyl losses keep under -5k per year, but some of them were extreme. Seems like while trying to buy up local, well running industries I ended up buying those in decline.

*Normally Raw Producers do not rank among the 100k, but those were both deep in it.
Under 10k is a much more normal profit figure for them.
It could be that those were exclusive producers to several small villages. And/or that I keep underestimating the value of milk - it is beside Grain one of the few directly required Goods, but it also tends to be a lot rarer in producers then grain.