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I was at a map where milk was plentyful and made routes to keep them supplied with grains and sent them to two cities. Unfortunately, these cities tasted the milk, and never wanted anything to do with the milk again. How do you make the milk tastier so people want it again? Adding coffee? If chocolate was around, I'd use that.
Which Railroad Tycoon are you asking about?
Trying to remember the mechanics of that stuff...

If the cities are already pretty close to the milk sources then it might be that the demand is being met by other, 'hidden' means (local trucking). Try delivering the milk farther away from the source.
Railroad Tycoon 2. I tried long distances, but as soon as they got the milk, the demand went to 0.
Is it just milk that this happens with? Some commodities have their demand satisfied with pretty small deliveries, and also take a while to recover. You'd think milk, being perishable, wouldn't be one of those, but it might be.

I might be off, too. Been quite a long time since I've played.
Is Milk one of those products that cities won't take in its 'natural' form after a while like Fruit?
The game has its own "transport" of sorts with goods, basically they will move on their own without the trains and the demand is just "i need this RIGHT now!" so it might be possible that your delivery was only needed once and then the trickle of milk the cities were getting to begin with was enough to keep them satisfied.
I think that's RT 3 rather than 2. I've never seen goods move on their own in RT2 other than to disappear.
potato_head: I was at a map where milk was plentyful and made routes to keep them supplied with grains and sent them to two cities. Unfortunately, these cities tasted the milk, and never wanted anything to do with the milk again. How do you make the milk tastier so people want it again? Adding coffee? If chocolate was around, I'd use that.

A known bug there from the beginning, that developers never fixed. Only way to have demand recover is to wait for "dairy processor" buildings to appear (1881 onwards).

Same problem - demand not recovering after first delivery - applies to second and subsequent items on ports' demand list, and to second items on some other buildings - steel at the cannery, for example (but steel mills do keep wanting more coal).

Being on the demand list with a value of zero still pays better than if not on the demand list at all.

Might be a user mod fix out there somewhere??
Post edited May 25, 2019 by RSimpkinuk57
There is a user-mod fix (fan patch)!

Go to

Similarly for secondary demands at ports, go to

I've downloaded the fixes but not tried them myself yet.