Blackthorne519: Yes, the game's native ratio is 4:3; square aspect ratio, as opposed to 16:9, which today's monitors all run at. Pillarboxing is normal in fullscreen mode.
Actually now that you mention it - if I haven't mentioned this before - for some reason whenever I set any AA resolution (e.g. so the game's resolution becomes 1280x800), when I start the game and my Windows is set to the monitor's native res (1920x1080), I end up missing half the task bar up the top of the game (where the inventory etc. is).
For me the best result has been to change my desktop res to match the game, so in this case 1280x800. For me that provides the best look and best results, and no dodgy graphic issues.
Windowed mode would also work I guess, but for some reason I like this better as it uses the whole screen. And with 4xAA it's far less blocky than the good old games this is a homage to.