Johnny_Law: OK you got me curious about this. Below is what I did step by step, on my Mac that is running El Capitan.
Having prebuilt binaries would be a lot nicer! If you want, I can later try to package up something and put it in my dropbox for a while. But the compiling did seem to turn out OK after a few hiccups.
Starting with part 3.2 of the readme, since I own retail Quake 2:
1) I downloaded [url=][/url] as indicated by the readme. The id software FTP site is pretty slow and I'm sure you could get this more quickly from somewhere else, but I went ahead and used the official site.
2) I moved the file into a working directory named "quake2-temp" and cd'd into that directory.
3) This file is actually a self-extracting executable so I just did "unzip q2-3.20-x86-full-ctf.exe".
4) Next I removed "q2-3.20-x86-full-ctf.exe" and also removed all of the other files that step 3.2 of the readme says to remove.
5) I put the "pak0.pak" from my retail Quake 2 inside the new "quake2-temp/baseq2" folder. Same for my Quake 2 "video" directory, it also should be moved or copied into "quake2-temp/baseq2".
Now we have all the game data files that we'll need. For now we're only going to care about the "quake2-temp/baseq2" folder's contents, in a later step down below.
Skipping part 3.3 of the readme since I'm not working with the demo files...
Skipping part 3.4 for now, not going to worry about ctf or mission packs yet...
On to part 3.5:
1) I already have Xcode installed w/ tools.
2) I don't have brew installed yet on this Mac, so I opened an OS X terminal and did the installation command shown at the site.
3) Next I ran the four brew invocations shown in the Yamagi readme, to install various libraries and headers.
4) I downloaded the latest Yamagi source from and unzipped it. This creates a "yquake2-QUAKE2_5_33" directory and lots of stuff inside that. It doesn't really matter where you put this directory.
5) cd into the "yquake2-QUAKE2_5_33" directory and enter the "make" command.
6) This doesn't work. I'm not sure what the best/correct fix is, but I had to change the Makefile. I modified the "Base include path" section (to add a Darwin branch) and the "Base LDFLAGS" section (to change the Darwin branch) like so, bolded parts are new or changed:
# Base include path.
ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Linux)
INCLUDE := -I/usr/include
else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),FreeBSD)
INCLUDE := -I/usr/local/include
else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),OpenBSD)
INCLUDE := -I/usr/local/include
else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Windows)
INCLUDE := -I/custom/include
else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Darwin)
INCLUDE := -I/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/include -I/usr/local/include endif
# ----------
ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Linux)
LDFLAGS := -L/usr/lib -lm -ldl -rdynamic
else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),FreeBSD)
LDFLAGS := -L/usr/local/lib -lm
else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),OpenBSD)
LDFLAGS := -L/usr/local/lib -lm
else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Windows)
LDFLAGS := -L/custom/lib -lws2_32 -lwinmm
else ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin)
LDFLAGS := $(OSX_ARCH) -lm -L/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/lib -L/usr/local/lib endif
7) Now the "make" works. Yay. That generates the "release/baseq2/game.dylib" library file and the "release/quake2" program file. We'll make use of those files below. Also this has generated the dedicated server ("release/q2ded") but I don't care about that right now.
The final step is to make an app out of it.
1) cd into stuff/osx and "unzip". This generates the "Quake" directory and a bunch of stuff inside that. This directory structure is still missing some things before it can be a working app, so we'll need to move/copy the final things into place.
2) First, remember the "quake2-temp/baseq2" directory that we extracted from the official patch and then moved a few more files into way up at the top of this sequence? Move or copy everything out of that "quake2-temp/baseq2" directory and into the "Quake" directory. (The files you're moving should be: "pak0.pak", "pak1.pak", "pak2.pak", the "players" directory, and the "video" directory.)
3) As the readme recommends, move the "yq2.cfg" file into the "Quake" directory to have a nicer default configuration.
4) Move the "game.dylib" library file that we built into the "Quake" directory.
5) And finally move the "quake2" program file that we built into the "Quake" directory.
The "Quake" directory is now an app ready to run. If you look at it in the Finder you'll see it as a file named "Quake 2" with a nice icon.
Double-clicking on this will just give you a warning about how it is from an unidentified developer and can't be opened. So instead, right-click and select Open. (You'll only have to do this once, then double-clicking will be OK afterward.)
I started a game and goofed around a bit, seems to be working.
You can move the Quake 2 app anywhere you like, e.g. you could stick it in your Applications folder. If you care about ctf or the mission packs there is more work to do with the various downloaded files; otherwise you can delete that "quake2-temp" working directory and its contents as well as the "yquake2-QUAKE2_5_33" directory and its contents.
Man, this seems extremely helpful, but this brew install is really scary. Should I be worried installing this? Can I mess anything up? Just installed X-code and that was a big install. Brew runs some code and then wants me to enter my password. Kinda worried on that since I have never used terminal and it warns me that I can mess things up...