johnthearbiter98: Would anyone know how to get the music for the expansions Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity to work under Darkplaces? I've tried putting the ogg files for each in newly created music folders within the hipnotic and rogue folders and had no luck in getting the soundtracks to play.
I've just tried it and the music works fine for me. (Using Windows 10)
Firstly make sure to grab the latest version from here: Then copy the id1, hipnotic and rogue folders to the Darkplaces extraction folder. Inside the hipnotic and rogue folders make sure that there is a folder called sound, then in that folder a folder called cdtracks. In the cdtracks folder should be our .ogg files
In the hipnotic folder there should be 9 .ogg files they should be called track02, track03, track04 etc. One of the files will be a copy of track02 this file should be called track98 (Darkplaces seems to need this file to play music on the demo.)
In rogue there should be 8 .ogg files called track02, track03 etc.
Then create a shortcut to darkplaces.exe and right click on it and choose Properties. At the end of the target line add
-game hipnotic for Scourge of Armagon. Then create another shortcut and add
-game rouge at the end of the target line for Dissolution of Eternity.