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I can't find it anywhere.
scrubking: I can't find it anywhere.
Its not ideal, but you can find them on Steam.

For your convenience, here are the two patches that we have:
1.0.4D Patch Notes

-Optimized ground vehicle spawning function to prevent jitters/stutters while ground vehicles spawn.
-Once again fixed tanks spawning underground in Open Season.
-Removed several testing maps from the game to reduce package bloat.
-Fixed F/C-16 STDM floating off to the side.
-Fixed numerous English subtitle mismatch.
-Restored head sway values to default.

-Fixed a critical issue where joystick axis constantly jitter. Making joystick input somewhat unstable.
-Potentially fixed an issue where Joysticks with "_" in their names would no longer be detected upon bootup.

-Fixed a critical issue where the final fight would occasionally not finish.
-Fixed an issue in Conquest where enemies would stop spawning
-During reinforcement phase. Regular enemy units will no longer continuously spawn.

Boss Fight: (!!! May Contain Spoilers !!! )
-Fixed railgun orbs showing the same grey telegraphing orb as the damage orbs. It has been changed to a smaller bright blue orb as a separate warning to the player.
Project Wingman Patch 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4c

-Fixed Cruise Missiles spawning in Return
-Fixed repeating take off sequence in No Respite.
-Fixed Red Sea Ending too quickly causing some endgame transmission to be cut off.
-Fixed Conquest specific weapons appearing in the Campaign loadout summary.
-Fixed a bad radio take in Presidia.
-Reduced the amount of camera sway in cockpit view.
-Fixed an issue where after playing either free flight or free mission. Starting a new campaign and completing the first mission would kick players out of the campaign and into the mission select menu.
-Fixed the clouds in Black Flag looking splotchy and scribbly.
-Fixed the clouds in Clear Skies looking blocky and visibly tiling.
-Adjusted water roughness value in Black Flag to look more reflective.
-Updated Credits Text
-Fixed an issue where the CR.105 would appear distorted and triangulated for users on lower settings.
-Freetrack option that was in the 2018 demo now available again. (Not highly supported but it's there)
-Reduced the amount of head sway in cockpit view and made transitions to be smoother as well.
-Fixed random bolts of lightning in Mission 21.
-Fixed an issue where some priority targets would attempt to go out of bounds in Mission 5.
-Fixed an issue where the MG-31 escorts for the missiles would behave like the missiles (ignoring the player) and be marked Priority as well.
-Airliner in Clear Skies now properly says CIVILIAN rather than designation consistent with the civilian Airships.
-Fixed canister gunpod not having the proper shooting sound.
-Fixed an issue where enemy aircraft would spawn on free flight of Prospero.
-Fixed an issue where a truck would spawn underground in Open Season.
-Fixed an issue where a Priority tank would spawn underground in Open Season.
-Fixed an issue where a Priority fighter would escape outside the map in Open Season.
-Slightly changed the targeting priority algorithm.

-Shortened the amount of time Boss Announce UI takes during gameplay.
-Fixed where boss names would clip into the health bar of the boss UI.
-Boss announce UI now no longer hides off screen target indicator.
-Boss announce UI now no longer hides Active Lock on elements on screen.
-Boss announce UI now no longer hides missile warnings on screen.
-Boss announce UI now no longer hides bomb widgets.
-Fixed an issue where your HULL status would show 0. (You're not that cool... yet.)
-Fixed an issue where HUD would reappear despite user turning it off through user settings. (Specifically during boss announcements)

-AOA Module now available for the MG-29, F/E-18, and Sk.27

-Reduced range of SAA from 13000m to 12000m

Level Adjustments:
Mission 6:
-Hazawa now only spawns in Mercenary Mode

Level Lighting Adjustments:
Dev Notes:
A lot of users have noticed the heavy usage of certain colors and high contrast in some missions. Particularly ones that involve a lot of orange tone. And in some cases, we used incorrect gamma values while adjusting the lighting of some missions. We wont be addressing all the levels yet as we plan to tackle this issue step by step and garner feedback on each adjustment.

Mission 1 Black Flag:
-Adjusted Time of Day from dawn to early morning.

Mission 6:
-Reduced the amount of contrast in the areas before the player gets to the Apodock Fracture.
-Adjusted the orange tone before the player gets to the Apodock Fracture.
-Significantly reduced the amount of glow lava "beaches" emit.

MIssion 14:
-Slightly reduced contrast.

Mission 21:
-Reduced the amount of orange tint in the level.

-Fixed an issue where Reset Orientation in VR would not properly apply and causes user to face a different direction.
-Game start should reset view before initializing the game.
-Fixed an issue where objective text would not fade out properly and stay in front of the player.

-Fixed a critical issue where players would occasionally spawn in front of a mountain and immediately crash into said mountain before the screen fades out. (For now player is guaranteed to spawn high up in the skies until we find a more elegant solution)
-Added most of the soundtrack to the Conquest music lineup.
-Made Conquest allies significantly more durable.
-Added Sky Sequence Names and Time of Day indicator in Conquest Pause Menu to help track down which sequences are too bright or too dark in Conquest.
-Disabled Conquest progress reset when versions are different as some users were having troubles with it constantly resetting progress.

Boss Fight: (!!! May Contain Spoilers !!! )
-Kings Rework
Dev Notes:
We realize that the final phase of the fight it was extremely unclear and somewhat whether you could down the boss or not. This was not the intention. And also how terrible idea was removing the radar without a properly telegraphed AoE attacks from C1.
Hopefully, without changing too much of the boss fight. These changes can help maintain our original vision of the boss fight without changing it too drasticly.
Crimson's AoE attack will now show a warning radius in grey before fully expanding.
The Final phase now shows both unit's health bar except in Mercenary mode.
Crimson will no longer use AoE and Railgun Cluster Bombs in 4th stage.
Crimson will only restore to 50% of his health in the 4th phase.
Crimson will no longer use AoE and Railgun Cluster Bombs in 4th stage.
4th Stage will give player extra 50 health instead of 40.
Crimson will only restore to 50% of his original phase health in the 4th phase.
Crimson will only restore to 75% of his original phase health in the 4th phase.
No change.
Post edited December 28, 2020 by MobiusArcher