Kristian: Some questions to consider: 1. Is Windows XP supported or unsupported? 2. Does or does it not receive updates? 3. Are or aren't security holes in Windows XP fixed?
SPTX: I've already answered that, security is only as good as the user allows it to be. Meaning that no amount of windows updates will keep hackers at bay because the end users will always open the doors. So the argument is bullshit to begin with.
Hacking isn't a battle of sorcerers throwing magic beams at each other, it's a game of deceit. No door can stop an invader if the resident opens it.
DarkDemonXR69: This is on steam... but I think it can be extrapolated to gog aswell.
SPTX: With all the FUD going around, these are no surprise, but you don't take into account the amount of people who simply repudiate steam and thus don't even get close to being accounted in these stats, I wouldn't be surprised if the amount of GOG users on XP would be in the mid-late teens. Baring Galaxy, all GOG installers are XP 32 compatible.
As I see its a big and no supported crusade you will take for nothing, moreover when more and more as time passes less ppl will use XP except for specific pruposes. gog works well on modern systems and the existence on gog is just for that, old games for modern systems. would be contraproductive start asking for XP support on games with that low percentage of users when its not the real objective of the platform.
And you are the first one un more than 10 years I see on forums asking for XP support. usually ppl continue with the new one and never go back. Usually, there are rare cases. But well if buckshot in the end add support for XP then congratz, but I dont see it coming soon