Hey guys, I got name-in-game edition on steam a long time ago and I thought I'd add to this little thread here.
Look for an Alfonzo "The Killer" Valdez. Granted that's not my username, but it got approved a long time ago and it's in there.
While my name isn't Alfonzo, or even Valdez, this is based on a made up 'maxican mafia' boss my father jokingly portrayed in a home video in which I blurred out his face for an improvised interview. The resulting footage was pretty hilarious as he faked a thick mexicano accent. (mind you he and I are both hispanic so it was just in good fun).
We did this as a test of some early video editing equipment my brother had managed to get hold of. It was all analogue and quite old (even for the time we got ahold of it) and I was figuring out how it worked, but I needed to make up various recording scenarios to see if I could find solutions to various needs (like blurring a face for an incognito interview). My father always fancied himself not only as an actor, but an expert (highly debatable lol) director and product as well.
So, when I purchased name-in-game edition I allready knew who I was going to put in the game; Alfonzo. If I'd managed to get in on the kickstarter I could have spent even more to decide the character's likeness details (like his profile image and such) but I was a bit late for that, so he'll just be randomized in appearance. (this sucks because I know exactly what he should look like lol).
I'm also a writer so I tend to get a little over detailed with characters, even Alfonzo. I re-wrote his bio like...20 times to get something good that fits.
Apologies for all the text but I thought you guys might get a kick out of hearing some of the back story and the sillyness the idea stemmed from.
P.S. you can manually import a specific 'name in game' prisoner into your prison and they will be delivered directly to your prison at the next opportunity. Just look in the menu under 'extras', then 'name in game' and it should be in there somewhere, along with a search function to find somone specific.