B0SC0: >.< - My prisoners have started building tunnels... I give them food, water, regimes, playthings and the occasional rub down from a friendly guard... AND THIS IS HOW THEY THANK ME!?!
Any tips for stopping the frequency of tunnels? It's literally just become a raging epidemic, and I'm not happy with this...not... one... bit.
Sachys: Cry.
...and maybe do a shakedown too - but be warned as it may cause a riot.
Edit: and if you do the latter be careful of two things:
1) prisoners in shackles sometimes get stuck to walls and become unsearchable and prolong the shakedown and thusly cause a lot more heat in the prison.
2) if you do the shakedown, its best to do it in conjunction with the tool cleanup grant
Of course a well patrolled perimeter wall with an additional internal wall also helps - but I'll be damned if I can find a way to afford one without sandbox mode!
IKR! I'm giving those ungrateful maggets high quality food, with janitors and dogsand all the security and safety they could ask for - I don't have time or money to afford on a perimeter wall! I need to marble the floor in my office!
Thanks for the advice though. What's your ratio of guards to prisoners?