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tinyE: I keep coming up with silly little queries and ideas (and I know all of you do to) and it seems silly to make separate threads about them, so I'm starting this one. Feel free to use it as a springboard for your stupid questions and your off the wall suggestions. :D

To get it started, the Tutorials and Wikis make small cells sounds REALLY REALLY bad, like you are begging for riots, and I'm wondering if this is an exaggeration on their part. I keep looking at other players' layouts and they have these neat teeny tiny little cells with no worries, meanwhile I'm so paranoid I keep giving my cons fucking penthouse suits. :P
Am I showing WAAAAY too much concern for them?
I think you are... I give them a nice 3x4 with a cot and bucket - high quality meals with high variety, lots of programs, etc. In my regime, they don't spend too long in the cell, so there's very little use for it other than catching a few Zs. I've had no issues so far

If anyone starts complaining, just do the old one-two ;). i.e. BANGUP AND SHAKEDOWN LADS! LETS GOOOOOOO!
B0SC0: I think you are... I give them a nice 3x4 with a cot and bucket - high quality meals with high variety, lots of programs, etc. In my regime, they don't spend too long in the cell, so there's very little use for it other than catching a few Zs. I've had no issues so far

If anyone starts complaining, just do the old one-two ;). i.e. BANGUP AND SHAKEDOWN LADS! LETS GOOOOOOO!
tinyE: Actually 3x4 is what I give them and it's taking up too much damn space! XD I'm thinking of scaling it down to the minimum.
Too much space? o.O What map are you on, small, medium, large?
Post edited October 14, 2015 by B0SC0
B0SC0: Too much space? o.O What map are you on, small, medium, large?
tinyE: Never occurred to me change that! :P Just now figured out how to change the prisoner intake. I'm still learning the nuances here, that's why I made this thread.

Please be gentle, and don't send me to the Hole! :P
I'm actually a fairly benevolent warden... Until I see the serious complaints start coming in... Then it's the old one-two to knock them back down again
>.< - My prisoners have started building tunnels... I give them food, water, regimes, playthings and the occasional rub down from a friendly guard... AND THIS IS HOW THEY THANK ME!?!

Any tips for stopping the frequency of tunnels? It's literally just become a raging epidemic, and I'm not happy with this...not... one... bit.
B0SC0: >.< - My prisoners have started building tunnels... I give them food, water, regimes, playthings and the occasional rub down from a friendly guard... AND THIS IS HOW THEY THANK ME!?!

Any tips for stopping the frequency of tunnels? It's literally just become a raging epidemic, and I'm not happy with this...not... one... bit.
Sachys: Cry.

...and maybe do a shakedown too - but be warned as it may cause a riot.

Edit: and if you do the latter be careful of two things:
1) prisoners in shackles sometimes get stuck to walls and become unsearchable and prolong the shakedown and thusly cause a lot more heat in the prison.
2) if you do the shakedown, its best to do it in conjunction with the tool cleanup grant


Of course a well patrolled perimeter wall with an additional internal wall also helps - but I'll be damned if I can find a way to afford one without sandbox mode!
IKR! I'm giving those ungrateful maggets high quality food, with janitors and dogsand all the security and safety they could ask for - I don't have time or money to afford on a perimeter wall! I need to marble the floor in my office!

Thanks for the advice though. What's your ratio of guards to prisoners?
Sachys: Hmmm... never really thought about it, but dont think I had more than about 40 guards when I had 1000 inmates - been a while since I built a clink that big, and no longer have those saves due to a dead HD.*

Another good way to prevent escapes is to get some snitches (under the intelligence tab) - they'll often reveal tunnels if activated at night, BUT... they also have a habit of getting killed for it / other bad things happens as a result.

Edit: *that was micromanagement hell though - had to ensure all different levels of con were seperated, cctv everywhere, I think 25% of the guards were dog handlers. NO armed guards - only hire them to get that grant money unless you have supermax cons.
How come - do Armed Guards set everyone off?
Sachys: If you have a look at your heat gauge it will list everything good / bad about the mood of the prison. Armed guards in service cause negative vibes.
See attached - screens taken seconds apart, but in one I added two armed guards - danger level begins to rise!
Thanks for the info :D

The serious complaints thing is quite frustrating - When I check needs, family is listed as huge, but I have a large visitation centre and it's always in use... I'll probably limit the armed guards presence to the visitation area. I've armed guards and my dog patrols there... I need more dog patrols.
Do you keep your lads segregated based on security level? - I've found that's helped tremendously in keeping the peace.
Nice on finding it :D - and I'd recommend having more than one classroom, especially if you want to run the two types of classes at the same time.
Well you're not really paying them, to be fair XD
Sachys: told you before, its not a case of "if you build it, they will come" - its a case of it will happen - then you will need it (thats what your initial holding cells are for really.

death row is summat else - you'll maybe get one once in a blue moon and it costs a bomb to setup - have a bomb ready to blow when you see one on the intake sheet (and LOADS of security measures).
tinyE: I'm a pro with Death Row. I'm starting a new prison now but in my last one I was cooking a guy a week, totally legal, with no security problems at all.
I haven't gotten around to Death row at al... not sure can I be bothered tbh - them and maximum security seem to be a constant pain.. I'll just stick to my larceny and traffic offenders :D
Sachys: And just let them all escape?!

tinyE: I only have one and he's currently in permanent solitary for killing a guard. Well two guards actually.
Honestly, tinyE, what sort of a madhouse are you running over there?! Is ANYONE SAFE?!?! ;)
B0SC0: Honestly, tinyE, what sort of a madhouse are you running over there?! Is ANYONE SAFE?!?! ;)
tinyE: It's just one guy! XD Everyone else is doing fine. :D
Ya... it starts as one guy....
tinyE: Has anyone figured out the ration of beds to dorm yet? I'm sitting here building different shapes over and over but the number of beds allowed doesn't seem to mesh with any specific layout size.

Okay it seems to be 1 prisoner for every 4 squares which makes the new bunk beds totally useless because you need the same amount of total floor space regardless if you are using 5 bunk beds or 10 regular beds. What a bummer. I thought I was going to be able to pack em in like sardines.

Please tell me this is a bug. The description clearly says you can have as many prisoners in dorms as you can fit beds.
Dorms? Don't they normally call them wards in mad houses ;)
B0SC0: Dorms? Don't they normally call them wards in mad houses ;)
tinyE: I actually have two set up (40 beds each) but I'm using them for Minimum Security only! You'd be insane to try anything else.
Haven't had a chance to try them yet - Mini metro is taking up all my "15 minutes, let's do something constructive" moments. I'm glad to hear they brought in bunk beds though - I made the mistake early of thinking that if I put two beds in a room, multiple cons would habitate the room