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Some players have experienced choppy animation and slowdown. It appears that this is linked to AVG Antivirus. If you are suffering from that problem, please try disabling AVG while playing Primordia.
Are there any recommendations for those of us experiencing this choppiness who aren't affected by anti-virus? I don't have AVG, I have Essentials, and I have an explicit exclusion for this game. I also have disabled Essentials entirely and am still experiencing _intermitten_ chopiness. I notice that Heratio sometimes walks in a very stop-and-go fashion depending on how much is going on around him. For instance, on main street in metropol, he seems too slow down with the movements of other npc's around. On the walkway to the courthous (towers in bg) he moves smoothly. I'm inside the courthouse now (with a certain spoiler character) and I'm hiding in the shadows. Everything is extremely slow, mouse movement, UI presentaion etc... However, if I bring up the inventory, then the mouse starts moving smooth, and the menus fly.

I am loving this game and would very much appreciate any help smoothing out these rough spots! I have tried all the settings under winsetup.exe and they make no difference. I've also checked and my system CPU is at ~3 percent when not running the game.

Man, I hope there's a way to resolve this, but I don't know of one off the top of my head. Just to be clear, you're running the GOG version? If you're playing in Steam, disabling the overlay may help.

There was some indication at one stage that the audio, specifically Horatio's footsteps, could cause problems on certain sound cards. Since various characters have movement sounds, it's possible that the scenes you're having slowdown in are being caused by that. Have you played around with the audio settings in Winsetup? I know you said you tried everything, but I wanted to make sure that wasn't limited to graphics.

I'll loop the coder in, too. I'm optimistic we'll find a way to resolve things. Perhaps naively optimistic, but optimistic all the same!
Thanks for the quick reply Mark!

If it helps, I've taken this video of the courtroom scene: path dot im slash bXypTz

I'm headed to sleep now but I can take more videos tomorrow if they help.

Also, to answer your question, yes I'm playing the GOG version, and I have tried all sound settings. The only one that doesn't cause static issues is 'default'.

Post edited July 07, 2013 by sillydino
Poking around various support forums for AGS (the software used to develop Primordia), I haven't found any good leads. I sent your post along to the coder. Hopefully he can help!
sillydino: [...] Heratio sometimes walks in a very stop-and-go fashion depending on how much is going on around him. [...]
I'm not trying to be rude, nit-picky, or anything, but it really bugs me when (especially english speaking natives) misspell Horatio for the crude "Heratio" just because it's orthographically closer to the way we say it...

Sorry for the somewhat "grammar nazi" post.