Ralackk: Postal 2 uses a modifyed unreal engine for level editing. When you say all you found was the button to load an already made level do you mean you got the level editor running but can only load a level with it or you found a shortcut or something in the games folder that just loads straight into a level without the editor?
I haven't found the level editor, and in the options menu there is a button that says level editor, but it is just to load a level. I don't know how to get it running. How would I be able to get it running and edit levels? Is it in the files as a separate program, or can I find it in the game and just being retarded? *checks game files*
Heh, it was my own laziness I guess. I found the PostEd in the programs. Thanks for your help. if you have any suggestions on making a level it would be welcome, since I'm still new to the PostEd.