Posted November 28, 2011
My bet would be that you can buy it, but downloading the actual game is out of the question. I bought it on a whim in the sale. It's quite a hefty price if you get caught with it so I'm hoping I'm in the safe with having it but not literally on the computer or anything. Here's something I found, "In a statement, the OFLC said, "The game is designed, and has the capacity, to allow the player to test how much violence and humiliation he or she can inflict on human beings." For that and other reasons, the government body slapped a ban on the game. Now, a fine of NZ$2,000 ($1,400) can be imposed on anyone caught with a copy, and anyone who "supplies, distributes, exhibits, displays, or advertises Postal 2 could be imprisoned for up to a year or fined NZ$20,000 ($14,000)." Larger, "incorporated distributors and retailers" could be fined NZ$50,000 ($38,000). " I would hate for Gog get fined, but because they aren't within the laws of NZ I think they're safe. I would rather the game get taken down for us than lose Gog altogether though. Not stating that meaning I'd narc to the government, National (our government party) can stick a fork in it's posterior for all I care and I'm not that kind of person anyway.