yup Namur is right :
Population: 24
Hostiles: 20
Objective: Kill 90% of the hostiles.
You begin this level in the gates of your little one story shack (kind of funny
that their is a dog house but no dog). Immediately head to the side of your
house (by the dog house) to pick up a shotgun and fifteen rounds. Go to your
left and towards the back of your house to pick up some health (about 20). By
this time, two brown cops (they all have names but their is no point in
mentioning them, you can find out their real names in the "enemies" section)
should bust into your joint.
Whip out your new "Boomstick" and blow them a new hole. From there, step
slightly out of your fence, hug it, then run like mad to your left until you
get behind the truck.
Lob a grenade at the man with the rocket launcher and sweep the area of the guy
behind the police car and the man who usually stands beside the truck. Collect
the armor behind the car. Go south and to your right slowly and take out the
blue cop.
Grab the box (should be aboutfour grenades and a pair of molotovs) and ambush
the man to your north who has his back turned on you. Take out the other
missle launcher man and carefully lob a grenade at the blue swat officer with
the spread gun.
Advance on him slowly, his spread gun can take huge chunks of health away if
you are not careful. From the side of the house, lob cocktails (no, not the
shrimp kind) at the other cocktail throwers then clean out this large field of
hostiles. Grab the health and ammo powerups on the very right edge of the
screen and advance your way north along the main road.
When you come up to the large house, a shotgun toting cop, woman, and a brown
cop await you. The shotgun cop is annoying, as is the brown cop who ambushes
you behind a tree (you won't see him until it is too late). Use your machine
on the blue officer and when a bunch of people run out of the house in panic,
throw any remaing cocktails into the group (sometimes your enemies actually RUN
TO the onlookers using them as human shields). After you partake in the carnage
clean up the rest of the area (even if their are innocents about hehe) and hit
F1 to exit the level.