hercufles: I used to play all populous games but cant remember much about the game you know some games didnt go well in the test of time, faster pc cluncky controls ect is this game still playeble today?
I find Populous and Populous 2 very playable still. Played them years ago on an Amiga 500 and was able to pick them up quite easily after a little cycle tweaking on DOSBox. Populous is a little more difficult to get into from the beginning until you get more familiar with the game. Populous 2 is more streamlined but otherwise pretty much the same as the first. Oh, and Populous on the Nintendo DS Is a blast. =)
Populous The Beginning? I've messed around with it, but I'm not as familiar with it so it's harder to say how well it holds up. It does take a little tweaking to get running in Windows 8.1. The game itself has some of the basic gameplay of the originals, but then throws a number of new things into the formula that it feels a bit overwhelming coming from the first two games. That's just my opinion though from very brief attempts to play. I'd need to spend more time on the game before coming up with a more complete critique.