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Well, I think it's time to open a Thread for this stunt here on GoG.

I had been working on my own fork from the Planet Nomads Savegame Edidor from black silence, and added some new features to it.

Current Version: 1.6.0

Changes since the 1.5.0 release:
+ Now you can select the savegame by name!!
+ Implements "Suicidal Mode"
- no quests, no wrecks, nothing. It's you and some basic inventory against a pristine planet. Survive!
- Known Issue: the game is recreating the Quests, Blueprints and Wrecks. I need to learn how to set all Quests as done!
+ Logging errors on executing commands.
+ Refactorings:
- Better `tkinter` handling
- Better handling the directory where savegames are stored
- Better code organisation (no "business logic" on the "presentation layer")

Changes since the 1.4.0 release:
* Workaround for an Axes3d idiosyncrasy on modern Python.
* Restoring MacOS support on dialogs.
* Updated Blocks and Expendables definitions
* Unlocking the new Recipes from recent PN versions
* Allowing access to the Kickstarts parts by hacking them into the Hotbars.
* Adding "Commands" to be executed by the tool

I think the most interesting feature are the "Commands". I cooked a way to allow you to restore Terrain and Grass by using the Beacons as markers.

You can grab it from github.

Pictures or it didn't happened: You can find some here.

"Executable" packages are provided to MacOS (Mojave and up) and Windows (10 and up). Linux is being more tricky than I anticipated but, frankly, Linux is exactly where such shenanigans are less useful.