There are cases where I prefer an older version of a game as well, or when I disagree with patch changes. For exampel:
* The newest EE versions made it so that revive spells can't be used on living characters, a change I dislike (especially given how it hurts the Mass Raise Dead spell)
* There's also a change intended to prevent an exploit with Chain Contingency + Project Image, but it also makes it so that you can't re-cast Project Image until the first cast would wear off, breaking what I consider to be a legitimate strategy.
* Many other changes, like making certain spells not stack. (Looking at the Baldur's Gate 2 spell list, pretty much every spell that stacks has a short enough duration that I don't see it being a major issue.)
For other games, moving a bit away from the WRPG genre:
* For Final Fantasy 1 (not FF2!) I prefer the PSX version, which fixed bugs and added an optional Easy mode that isn't too easy, while still preserving the mechanics of the original. (Later versions are way too easy.) For FF2, the PSX version made spell leveling, already annoyingly slow in the original (because each individual spell needs to be leveled up separately), even slower, and hence I can't recommend that particular version of the game. (Go with GBA/PSP for FF2; the recent Pixel Remaster has a bug where physical attacks with status ailments always inflect them, leading to some unfair fights. In D&D terms, this would be like having an enemy's normal attack have a save or be paralyzed or instant killed attack, and the remake removing the saving throw.)
* For Final Fantasy 3, I happen to prefer the 3D remake, but there's trade-offs here. On the positive side, Bards are useful and interesting, but on the negative side, status ailment spells are not useful.
* For Dragon Quest 1, I prefer the original, as the remakes greatly increased XP and GP rewards, resulting in the game being much shorter as a result. For DQ3, however, I prefer GBC when playing in English (though I'd recommend SFC for playing in Japanese due to bug differences).
As for Planescape: Torment itself, I'm not really into story-focused RPGs (I play RPGs for the ganeplay), so this game doesn't actually interest me (even though I have the original, but not the EE, in my GOG library).
rxq: - with some mods in original resolution on a big screen, I do not like enhanced edition or high-resolution mods.
For resolution, I am OK with different resolutions as long as the aspect ratio is conserved (I *hate* it when the screen is stretched) and the game runs well on the device being used to play it.