Pangaea666: Please don't read spoilers or walkthroughs for this game. You can only play it first time once, and it would be a dying shame to ruin that by reading walkthroughs. It's the best story in a game bar none, so please just enjoy it.
On my first try I went with a high wis, int and cha character, and engaged everyone who turned red. It was troubling at times, but also a lot of fun. Exploring the planes is great. You never know what you come across, and trying to find characters and figuring out who you are is very interesting. Would give a lot to be able to play this game 'blind' again.
LOL, I do have a rather bad habit of reading spoilers trying to find out what character build works. I did that a bit with Fallout (though I still have yet to playthrough it), but in that case i'm glad I did as many of the skills in that game are outright useless to tag or put points into. Coming from a console JRPG background to a PC WRPG is quite a shock, I did a test play of Fallout when I got it off of GOG and got rather intimidated by its rather sharp difficulty at the beginning. I guess that's why I resorted to build tips.