Yeah, WOC killed the PS world, it's not supported anymore, mainly because it's not so stupid like most fantasy rpgs (or movies, or games, or anything else for that matter).
Anyway, PST2?
It could talk about the other characters in PST, like a closure and what happened to the characters after the story. And it could have TNO back, maybe first in visions to guide them, and than at the end a nice reunification plus romance with FFG or annah.
It would be nice and possible, but financially ti would be a disaster. Planescape simply isn't for the crowd.
Is it possible? NO. sorry, but anyone who see things real understands that. there were no decent Fallout3, no decent Longest Journey 2, there could not be a decent PST2. There is not enough people to buy it. There were not enough people to buy PST in the first place.