Many of my favourite quotes come from Dak'kon:
(the pronouncement of two deaths as one)
"*Know* that when death comes for you, *know* that I shall meet its blade with mine.
*Know* that when all dies around you, *know* that I shall live for your sake."
"Endure. In enduring, grow strong."
"When a mind does not *know* itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."
"Yet I would maintain that we *know* ourselves by the questions we ask and the ones we do not. If we cease asking questions and only accept what we can perceive… then we will cease to *know* ourselves."
"*Know* that there is nothing in all the Worlds that can stand against unity. When all *know* a single purpose, when all hands are guided by one will, and all act with the same intent, the Planes themselves may be moved."
Vhailor also has some awesome quotes, just because he's such a freaky fanatic:
"When the injustice is great enough, justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it. None may stand against it. It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment, and lend its servant the power to pass sentence. Know this: There is nothing on all the Planes that can stay the hand of justice when it is brought against them. It may unmake armies. It may sunder the thrones of gods. Know that for all who betray justice, I am their fate. And fate carries an executioner's axe."
"Justice is not blind, for I am her eyes!"
(I think this is when you enquire about his past, but I don't quite remember)
"I will not be judged by you, mortal; not when you have lived the lives you have. Let me tell you of Betrayal: betrayal is cowardice... selling weapons to your adversaries out of fear that they might stop killing each other and turn upon you. Betrayal is refusing to lead by example. Betrayal is letting the Fiends run rampart through the Planes until evil has corrupted all hearts."
(when your true identity is revealed by the Pillar of Skulls)
"JUSTICE shall be served. You shall FALL beneath my blade, immortal, even if I have to stand over your struggling remains for ETERNITY."
(end-game dialogue within the Fortress)
"Let my words carry you: JUSTICE is a TEACHER. In your PUNISHMENT, gain STRENGTH. Through your PUNISHMENT, achieve PERFECTION."
(when asking him about Ignus)
"He no longer LIVES. He only EXISTS. It is not the SAME."
"Meaning and death is what you seek... Two separate things they are for a normal man. But for you... one and the same."
"The past is past, and histories care little for a-speaking the truth of it." (very true about reality, as well)
Morte (when speaking to one of those lecturers in the Sensate halls on the topic of death):
"And that's supposed to be an incentive? We get to do this all *again*? Gee, I can't wait to be a floating skull all over again. Whee! Pike him. What a tard. Spoken just like someone who hasn't died before, huh?"
The Nameless One:
"Names have power in identity. Others can use names as weapons. Names are a hook that can be used to track you across the planes. Remain nameless, and you shall be safe.
I am the Nameless One."
(dialogue option with TTO)
"If there is anything I have learned in my travels across the Planes, it is that many things may change the nature of a man. Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear - whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can. I’ve seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil hag's heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me."
"Nordom and crossbows wish to go in search for trouble!"
Nordom / Morte:
Nordom - “Attention: Morte. I have a question. Do you have a destiny? A purpose?”
Morte - “Is Annah still wearing clothes?”
Nordom - “Affirmatory.”
Morte - “Then the answer is yes.”
Post edited January 24, 2012 by LeapWind