ast486: On the contrary; this is rather intelligent.
Try going camping for a week straight and notice that you don't get all that rested, compared to sleeping in a cushy bed, with beers in the fridge and bandaids in the cubboard.
Traveling is HARD; resting at a comfy INN means you get the benefits of all those luxuries and just like nutrition, a good night's sleep for one night can improve your next few nights, even when those following aren't the best nights sleep.
I'm guessing the majority of the benefit is derived from the nutrition you can get while there.
The benefits wear off one bonus at a time, per rest; since there are only two bonuses per rest, this means two rests to get rid of them.
They are also immediately replaced by any new one you get.
If it was as you say and we lose those buffs over the course of two rests, it would be fine. As it is, I've rested around four or five times in a dank crypt just to see if it would wear off, but nothing. They stayed until I went to the inn and rested in a room without any buffs. As stated earlier, it could be tied to difficulty. I'm playing on normal for my first run. Maybe this is a design choice. I will try not to rest in the inn and see how long it takes to wear off.