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are you guys having luck with the manual download or the galaxy auto update? I got the manual download to finish but the installer just idles.
When using the galaxy update it sticks on checking local files and never progresses, and i thought steam was a pain in the ass..
Post edited June 09, 2018 by shifty84
shifty84: are you guys having luck with the manual download or the galaxy auto update? I got the manual download to finish but the installer just idles.
When using the galaxy update it sticks on checking local files and never progresses, and i thought steam was a pain in the ass..
I donwloaded the 1MB and 1,8GB patchs this afternoon manually. Before that i installed the patch on my base version. ( oh god what a mess when i think about all those versions… )

By the way the update process is very long.
Post edited June 09, 2018 by fuguspecial
shifty84: are you guys having luck with the manual download or the galaxy auto update? I got the manual download to finish but the installer just idles.
When using the galaxy update it sticks on checking local files and never progresses, and i thought steam was a pain in the ass..
fuguspecial: I donwloaded the 1MB and 1,8GB patchs this afternoon manually. Before that i installed the patch on my base version. ( oh god what a mess when i think about all those versions… )

By the way the update process is very long.
thanks mate, thought that might be what you done. I just opened galaxy and the game has dissapered from my game list... This is such a headache, guess im reinstalling now.
while we are on it, why are there no official responses to these issues? are we a small percentage of the users having this problem?
Yesterday I opened a support ticket and the response I got is that the problem should now be fixed.

Yesterday I had manually downloaded the 20 GB installer from the website. It took many tries but eventually I got all parts. I had then reinstalled the game from scratch. I can play it but the GOG client still isn't synching my saves and it shows as 0 DLC installed (but they are as I did it manually and can access them ingame). If I try to install them from the GOG client it justs check files, pretend to update, then does nothing.

So I guess the patch is working now as some of you were able to download it. But it seem like there are still some problems.
Post edited June 10, 2018 by Luvian
The new updater is working but it takes about 20 min to update and the updater widow is frozen at 0% until success message shows up.

As someone already said GOG galaxy won't work properly anymore with this game. It just saying updating/checking local files all the time (0/0) and shows the old version/dlcs and you cannot sync the game saves.

This is getting really ridiculous.

edit: actually it shows the right version now... just not the latest DLC that I installed and sync still doesn't work.
Post edited June 10, 2018 by dragonwanderer
I downloaded the manual patch today and it will not install. After 1/2 hr I went into task manager it said not responding. The bar on the patcher did not move at all and then I after shutting it down I got a download log with all errors where it tried to install. I hope they fix this!
zaleth: I downloaded the manual patch today and it will not install. After 1/2 hr I went into task manager it said not responding. The bar on the patcher did not move at all and then I after shutting it down I got a download log with all errors where it tried to install. I hope they fix this!
this is not the first time actually, I once again made the mistake of using galaxy to update, use the web page for the patch installer that should work
a simple installer can do it easy and smooth while that simple feature can't be added to the galaxy client

edit: you know what I take that back, I just tried to download an installer for the patch from GOG's web page and all links are broken for the new free dlc and that patch, so basically there's no way to get the patch nor the new content
Post edited June 10, 2018 by bokkafa
I reinstalled the game with the Galaxy launcher, and it installed everything with DLCs. Syncing also works normal now.
RPGRenon: I reinstalled the game with the Galaxy launcher, and it installed everything with DLCs. Syncing also works normal now.
yeah I'm having to re-download the whole game from scratch atm, still downloading but to be fair it's not so good to have to re-download and install a game every time it patches, you had to jump through hoops last patch as well
fun fact by the way after the failed patch galaxy client doesn't even recognize the POE2 folder and now installing a new POE2 folder inside the old one... -_-
Bokkafa, I do not use Gog galaxy because it doesn't like my satellite internet. In fact I cant get the galaxy to update since the first beta of it. I prefer to use games without clients if possible anyway. I either use manual or the old gog down loader (usually the gog down loader). (why satellite? because I live in the middle of no where and its all I can get ;p)

I did try to patch both ways manual and with the gog down loader and can confirm both are broken, I got the patch log where it tried to install telling me error on all the files as they tried to install.

If I have to redownload the game it will truly suck for me because its so big and with satellite it will take me days to download again.(free time for me is 2-7am and I can get about 4 gigs a night done. I really do not look forward to that again or each time a patch comes out!
Post edited June 11, 2018 by zaleth
zaleth: Bokkafa, I do not use Gog galaxy because it doesn't like my satellite internet. In fact I cant get the galaxy to update since the first beta of it. I prefer to use games without clients if possible anyway. I either use manual or the old gog down loader (usually the gog down loader). (why satellite? because I live in the middle of no where and its all I can get ;p)

I did try to patch both ways manual and with the gog down loader and can confirm both are broken, I got the patch log where it tried to install telling me error on all the files as they tried to install.

If I have to redownload the game it will truly suck for me because its so big and with satellite it will take me days to download again.(free time for me is 2-7am and I can get about 4 gigs a night done. I really do not look forward to that again or each time a patch comes out!
I've successfully patched the game now - try redownloading the patch (both files) (and add a '1' to the end of the name so the PC thinks it's a different file to DL - remove the '1' after - sometimes redownloading a corrupted file gets you the same corrupted file). Check the size as 1.8 GB.

It did take ages to install - it seemed to hang for aaaaaaaages after a short time but it did eventually install.
Post edited June 11, 2018 by TrollumThinks
zaleth: Bokkafa, I do not use Gog galaxy because it doesn't like my satellite internet. In fact I cant get the galaxy to update since the first beta of it. I prefer to use games without clients if possible anyway. I either use manual or the old gog down loader (usually the gog down loader). (why satellite? because I live in the middle of no where and its all I can get ;p)

I did try to patch both ways manual and with the gog down loader and can confirm both are broken, I got the patch log where it tried to install telling me error on all the files as they tried to install.

If I have to redownload the game it will truly suck for me because its so big and with satellite it will take me days to download again.(free time for me is 2-7am and I can get about 4 gigs a night done. I really do not look forward to that again or each time a patch comes out!
TrollumThinks: I've successfully patched the game now - try redownloading the patch (both files) (and add a '1' to the end of the name so the PC thinks it's a different file to DL - remove the '1' after - sometimes redownloading a corrupted file gets you the same corrupted file). Check the size as 1.8 GB.

It did take ages to install - it seemed to hang for aaaaaaaages after a short time but it did eventually install.
The file downloaded has been 1.8 each time and I let it run for 1/2 hr before I checked task manger to see it not responding then got the patch log. I will try again to redownload tonight.

As of 6/14/18 the manual also crashed in the middle of updating and changed the version of POE II (making it the current version) so now the game crashes when I try to open a save or start a new game. Looks like I will have to uninstall and reinstall the game. This is so very frustrating. If support can not help me other than to refer me to galaxy which will not work for me, I fear I will either have to try once again with gog downloader taking 5 days to re download it and hope that no errors pop up in the middle or end of it like it the first time I tired or just reinstall what I have without current patch and never be able to get my moneys worth out of it, well at at least here for now. Iam truly beyond frustrated at the moment.....
Post edited June 14, 2018 by zaleth
So in the end still frustrated because patches do not work and all support would do to help is tell me to use galaxy which I can not do. Galaxy has never worked for me, I uninstalled and downloaded the newest version and still I get sever issue when trying to download any content and its not hindered by firewalls or anything else.

I have finally given up on the version I have here at Gog at least for now. I tried to download it again and got to the end of the download 5 days later to get an error right before it finished. (used gog downloader so I can start and stop since I can only download from 2am-7am).

I had to repurchase the game over at steam so the game cost me double with having to purchase it twice. I was able to download it and play it with no issues what so ever. Support was not very helpful and refused to listen to my issues to the point I gave up on them after they kept threatening to close my case after 5 days. It takes me at least 5 days to redownload and when I asked the to keep it open longer I got no confirmation one way or the other. In all the years with gog I have never had such issues or not gotten help with support. Very frustrated to say the least, and not happy that I had to go to steam to get the game, I much prefer to play games without clients...

For now I will have to refrain from purchasing games with large files to be downloaded. Because its causes to many issues for me with my current internet. Hopefully in the next year we will a better provider out here in the middle of no where but until then I will have to get large games over at steam and the smaller games here.
Post edited July 01, 2018 by zaleth