smvickroy: Just wondering if anyone else is having the same experience. I will see in the combat log that it charms a target for x # of seconds but the enemy stays red. Or goes green and keeps shooting at me.
I'm having exact the same bug. Sometimes it works okay (green attacking enemies) | sometimes it's not (green or red attacking you or you allies).
Also another bug. When I cast confusion (forgot the true spell name) every enemies start attacking poor confusing unit who happens to turn green.
Also for all classes / races when I click right mouse button on spell info several times, I had to close several popup windows respectively - that just
Also in first map, horses can't be interact with and you can walk literally through them like through a thin air - that's just silly!
And another bug (not fully confirmed) - I can sell items to shop keeprer for more than they cost according to item description - that is total