Posted July 20, 2017

GOG often says that when the patch is comparable in size to the installers, they see no point in providing a patch along with the updated installers. But I have no idea if it applies in this case, you have to ask Judas or better yet Thiev for a definite answer.
Maybe not a big deal given the game is a few years old now, but it should also be less load on GOG's servers when people can download a 10 MB patch instead of the whole game again, 7 GB a piece. Maybe easier to force Galaxy into the full installer though...
edit: From a developer on the official forum:
Apologies about the large download. The way Unity handles any changes to code (no matter how small) is that it rebuilds a large chunk of the game and repackages it all together. The patch doesn't change the size of the game on your hard drive, but it is a big download.
Post edited July 20, 2017 by Pangaea666