Ninjadinosaur01: Regarding the keyboard layout: You can assign a hotkey to switch between the layouts. I use alt+shift to switch between english and my native layout.
Also you can make hotkeys to change two of your buttons to [ and ]. I used a software called AutoHotKey (, which I use frequently in similiar problems. One time I even made it a crude bot to grind levels in Disgaea PC :P.
I paste here the code I wrote, maybe that'll make this advice more accessible. Note: å and ¨ are the buttons right to button P in finnish keyboard. You can use any button you want for a hotkey, and you can even make it Ctrl-A if you wish (instructions in the help file of the program).
1. Make a new hotkey file (right click in the desktop, new - autohotkey file)
2. Open the file in text editor, notepad works fine.
3. Paste this after the config-lines:
SetKeyDelay, 0, 0
Send [
Sleep 100
Send ]
Sleep 100
Maybe this will help people in the future, who are wrestling with these games.