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I have downloaded the update patches 1.01 and 1.02. Unfortunately the patch 1.01 seems like it has an error and does not update. It just hangs there for a long time. I also noticed the PD v1.0 installer is 64 bit and both patches are 32 bit with no 64 bit option. (32 bit is displayed when trying to update)




Patch log

Error modifying C:\GOG Games\Phantom Doctrine\IWTB\Binaries\Win64\IWTB-Win64-Shipping.exe
Error modifying C:\GOG Games\Phantom Doctrine\IWTB\Binaries\Win64\IWTB-Win64-Shipping.pdb
Error modifying C:\GOG Games\Phantom Doctrine\IWTB\Content\Paks\pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak
Error modifying C:\GOG Games\Phantom Doctrine\IWTB\Content\Paks\pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak
Post edited August 18, 2018 by greyhat
This question / problem has been solved by F4LL0UTimage
greyhat: I have downloaded the update patches 1.01 and 1.02. Unfortunately the patch 1.01 seems like it has an error and does not update. It just hangs there for a long time. I also noticed the PD v1.0 installer is 64 bit and both patches are 32 bit with no 64 bit option. (32 bit is displayed when trying to update)
Hi, I'm pretty sure that the offline installers are entirely handled by GOG and not by us. Feel free to report this through their support system. I guess this one will fall in the Downloads category.
greyhat: I have downloaded the update patches 1.01 and 1.02. Unfortunately the patch 1.01 seems like it has an error and does not update. It just hangs there for a long time. I also noticed the PD v1.0 installer is 64 bit and both patches are 32 bit with no 64 bit option. (32 bit is displayed when trying to update)




Patch log

Error modifying C:\GOG Games\Phantom Doctrine\IWTB\Binaries\Win64\IWTB-Win64-Shipping.exe
Error modifying C:\GOG Games\Phantom Doctrine\IWTB\Binaries\Win64\IWTB-Win64-Shipping.pdb
Error modifying C:\GOG Games\Phantom Doctrine\IWTB\Content\Paks\pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak
Error modifying C:\GOG Games\Phantom Doctrine\IWTB\Content\Paks\pakchunk1-WindowsNoEditor.pak
I've just patched to 1.0.2 and it worked fine.

I did notice the first patch seemed to take a ridiculous amount of time to actually install, which I suspect could be my virus checker being its excessively-cautious self. I've had patches fail in the past because my virus checker decided to quarantine files while a patch was underway - check your virus checker's quarantine area or logs and see if something like that happened.

If the files were quarantined, you'll need to revert them before attempting to re-apply the patches - and I'd also temporarily disable the virus checker in that case.

The only other thing that springs to mind is Windows permissions - if the above didn't help, try running the patches as admin.

If all that fails, then maybe the download is borked? Redownloading should sort that out.

Hope one of those things helps you out.
I tried disabling my antivirus and installing as an admin as you suggested. I also uninstalled the game and reinstalled it as well as download new patches. When the game and patches are installing the disk write goes up to 100 percent. All I can think of is that some other service is interfering and runs when installing or updating the game. But it was not my antivirus that I am aware of as I completely disabled all of its services as well as exclude the game download location and install location from being scanned.

I also have to note that the first patch did end up installing but it took over an hour and I had was not responding for a large part of that time. The 1.02 patch still did not see to want to install. I ended up downloading the complete 1.02 build of the game again as it was only 1 gb larger than the Gog galaxy auto update size. So I reinstalled the game from that.


I tried installing PD on my desktop and the patches worked. It was still slow to update but there were no issues. I think it has to do with the way GOG sets up how their updates work. IE when updating with GOG Galaxy even if the individual patches are small the galaxy updates are usually much larger. it seams the patches rewrites a large part of the game files but with galaxy they must just redownload them. Where as with the stand alone patches they just over write. At least that is my guess as to why the size differences are so great between stand alone patches and the galaxy updates. On my laptop (where I initially installed PD) there is only one hard drive so it was really slow to install but on my desktop I have a separate drive for my games and for my OS.

I guess I just needed to be more patient. In truth I rarely ever use my lap top for gaming but was traveling and wanted to test out PD. I did not expect the install times to be so problematic on my laptop.

thanks for your guys advice.
Post edited August 19, 2018 by greyhat
greyhat: I also have to note that the first patch did end up installing but it took over an hour and I had was not responding for a large part of that time. The 1.02 patch still did not see to want to install. I ended up downloading the complete 1.02 build of the game again as it was only 1 gb larger than the Gog galaxy auto update size. So I reinstalled the game from that.
My game was also stuck at 1.01 (which was auto-updated from 1.0) and as I was reading about upcoming 1.03 and 1.04 patches, I found some topic with a link to GoG Downloads which had an upgrade patch 1.01 -> 1.02 so at least I got that installed. And I see that the upgrade patches to 1.04 are available on the Downloads page, cool.

GoG Galaxy still sees the game as 1.01, though.
Post edited August 25, 2018 by ijozic