gamesfreak64: i am glad to read you can play it, but i assume the (intro) videos wont work on win10 like on 8.1?
if so then you wont have music and no videos, thats kinda sad to read.
anyways i stick with 7 till it its gone (2020)
styggron: Spot on. I'm sticking with Win 7 64 bit. :)
thanks for the reply.
i've been using windows since the first win95 , also played a few months with win3.11 , but then again i also followed a class for lotus 123 (old spreadsheet) even got my certificate, i got an 8 so that was a pretty nice score (max is 10)
of course it is ancient and redundant now but it was fun to to learn it in the 90s.
So i have been around awhile regarding windows.
I have to admit that basically windows is going 'down the drain', its logical that old win has to move along with nowadays designs and flat design (mobile/touchpads and the likes) so its new look, looks like crap.
icons that look like smileys and simple 1 color logos that were used on soapbrands.
But we have to move on and we will have to use this modern stuff sooner or later, whether we like it or not, so it will be later (much later) then sooner for me.
Its also clear that MickeySoft has made win10 to support lots of Xbox stuff and other console supporting and streaming stuff, and mobile devices, so i fear that windows looks more like console stuff then a decent OS.