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StephanBongartz: [...]
Short question, do you, or anybody else have the same issue with other open windows, they changed position, mostly moved from left side a bit to the right side? Or is this an issue about a second monitor, or windows resolutuon?
I don't know if this is what Hustlefan supposed too, but to be sure to test everything:

Could it also be the Patron issue due to the 2 monitors? Have you tried the game with only 1 monitor?

(I'd like to see it solved :) )
Post edited May 17, 2024 by Skess01
Hi, i tried a lot of differnt things on the newer pc ;)

I tried directly from GOG Galaxy, but crashes instantly.
I tried also without Galaxy, from instalation folder, crashes instantly, also with the WIN7 exe files
If i start from installation folder the GameLauncher.exe the main menu apears for 1~2 seconds and crashes ( i cannot change anything in the main menu)

Looks like the InitShadersVertexBuffer will not be loaded in teh log file

I tried all of this with both monitors and with one monitor, doesn't matter, it's everytime the same crash

About the moving backGrond windows, i could fix it by setting my grafic resolution directly in the GameConfigurationDefault.cfg --> Resolution: 2560 1440
So the windows doesn't move but that's the only posible thing....

After all of this things, i removed my new pc and set the older one to my desk, so all external devices are the same and the game works fine on the older pc, with both monitors.

Tried also the same GameConfiguration.cfg from the older pc on the new pc, but crashes at the same time after loading InitTextureShaderVertexBuffer, see screenShot

I'm on the end with my ideas, if anybody else have an idea, i'm open for this and would be happy to run the game also on the new pc.

If this would help, i can add a DxDiag file for both ps's and upload here
StephanBongartz: [...]
I have attached screenShots of the launcher log and game log file if this will help you
In your Patron log seems you have 2 video cards:

- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti
- Intel UHD Graphics 770

You could try to set to use only NVIDIA video card for Patron (in NVIDIA drivers settings I suppose)?

Or the other one, the Intel video card, if NVIDIA doesn't work.
Hi Skess01,

i tried both today, but the game crashes randomly between loading DXDevice Phase 6 AND CreateSoundUnit<<<
patron_03.jpg (157 Kb)
StephanBongartz: Hi Skess01,

i tried both today, but the game crashes randomly between loading DXDevice Phase 6 AND CreateSoundUnit<<<
Hi StephanBongartz,

I forgot to ask if you installed the latest version of Patron (they updated on 2024-05-13 - v1.904.0)

Some considerations:

-> Before directly editing configuration files make a backup copy of them (but I suppose you already know very well this :) )

1) ---------- You could try to change your screen resolution (1920x1080 for example) and then launch the game launcher

The following n2 and n3 points I think are not really useful since the game stops in the game launcher which is in desktop mode, but anyway:

2) ---------- I noticed in your log:
SwapChainDesc BufferDesc.RefreshRate: 74780 1000

where in my log I have (different graphic card and resolution 1920x1080):
SwapChainDesc BufferDesc.RefreshRate: 60 1

I'd try to limit the refresh rate through NVIDIA/Intel settings (if available).
The game launcher options (video tab, at the end) has also FPS Limit
[I have 60 -> in GameConfiguration.cfg is not present the line "CHO_FRAMERATE" to set this value - as of my tests].

3) ---------- I noticed in your log:

FullScreenAtStart: YES

where in my log I have NO, I have "Borderless window" in Window mode (game launcher options - video tab)

Anyway you could try a "Window" or "Borderless window" mode, as also lowering Textures and other graphic settings (if you can change somehow them).

4) ---------- If can be useful this is my "GameConfiguration.cfg" (be careful of course, I don't know if it's completely appropriate for your hw) - unfortunately posting in this message it loses tabs indentation (see attached image)

CascadePartition_1: 100
CascadeLevels: 1
ShadowMapSize: 2048
Resolution: 1920 1080
UserUpdateIndex: -1
InputDevicesAmount: 8

Changing "GameConfigurationDefault.cfg" I suppose is not right to set the game settings, the file "GameConfiguration.cfg" under the game installation folder should be the one (I suppose you changed the default because the other one could not be generated due to the crash (?))
Beyond that, in your shoes I'd contact the developers, on Discord or through their website hoping for a solution.

And when you'll fix it I'll love to know what was the problem :)
Post edited May 20, 2024 by Skess01