ttomm46: First of all..I realize I may have to actually read a manual here..Which is the most fun and addictive to play?...
It depends on what you like more, as every one of these games is addictive to those who like this style.
The base concept behind these games is the same, but the Patrician games are set in the Hanseatic Northern Europe, while the Porty Royale games have the XVII-century colonies of the Carribean as their background.
Given that you're a would-be newcomer to these games, I'd say you start with Port Royale 2, as that is the most convenient and the easiest to get into.
The Port Royale games are more convenient in themselves (for example, you only have to have a given amount of wealth to emerge in ranks, while in the Patrician games your reputation counts, too), and Port Royale 2 plays smoother than the predecessor (for example, you may always know which types of goods you'll find in a town).