(and I'm sure there's a chance of default for any loan, no matter how safe it looks on paper).
I don't remember ever seeing a Lord Mayor default on a loan, but I could be wrong.
Lord Mayor isn't a rank, patrician is the rank you need to be elected, npcs manage that at lower ranks. But anyway those people aren't "real", the game just invents some names and with the somewhat small names database, it might sound like its the local trader from Malmö or the Mayor of Newcastle, but its just name coughed up to populate the list of loans.
I haven't noticed the reputation penalty to be very large, either, but then I haven't ever tried confiscating property when the Repayment letter recommends against it.
Its tiny compared to what you gain from selling stuff, reputation doesn't scale well.
How many ships do you need, anyway? Once you have 10-12 ships the game becomes difficult to manage. At least for me. If you have a single really good crayer with a hotshot captain you can capture pirate ships (even hulks) with relative ease, so you don't really need to confiscate any.
Let's see, a convoi for each town, say 20 ships each, expanding as the town grows... 3 of them need to be crayers or snaikkas only, for the river towns. A few pirate hunters, single crayers for me as well, but travelling in pairs to have replacement at hand. 20-hulk convois to take out pirate hideouts, I *hate* fighting on those tiny shore maps, so it needs to win on auto; two of them because repairs take so long. Some expeditions, pirate cogs have just the right size for America. Some big building mats transports for new towns, city walls and such. A few fast crayer convois to sell/buy/move goods manually. Hmm 1000 ships should be enough? Surplus can serve as swimming warehouse until needed. SCNR, the idea of too many ships just doesn't compute :-D
P3 is remarkably stable and really playable to such sizes; if you ever feel like slowing down and becoming the sole supplier of everything in a 1mio people hansa, the game will not stop you.