ron.116: Thanks for your reply. But I want an empty map without the original icons on it. Is there a way to remove those icons? Sorry I wasn't quite clear.
I'm pretty sure the game itself doesn't have an option for this. However it is something a mod could do. You may be able to get close to what you want with the "Toy Box" mod You can use it to disable fog of war giving a completely clear map. And under loot there's an option to bind a key to open the area exit loot window so you can quickly grab all the loot & remove loot icons. I bound it to F3. If your party was not near any NPCs their icon would not show. So I think the only icon left would be the area exits and your party member icons.
But you could hide the party member icons with a tiny bit of work. Take a screenshot with the party in location A. Then move them to another location B and take a 2nd screenshot. You could then copy the portion of the 2nd screenshot that is location A and paste it over the party icons from screenshot 1 to remove them.
I attached a map image of Blackwater done this way & one where a smudge tool was used to crudely remove the exit icon.