In case anyone interested in the same topic turns up here, I've found this on reddit. It satisfied my curiosity regarding the underlying mechanics rather well.
I tried leveling up and it always failed if Perception on all characters was lower than 8 and always passed when it was 8 or above. And raising Perception to 8+ was giving a success even without leveling so the roll, if it existed was not reset. There is no roll, just flat Perception requirement.
Also another proof - setting all skill checks to auto pass in Bag of Tricks does nothing for discovering hidden regions. It's pretty obvoius why it doesn't work - there is no skill check.
I also think that they must have changed how regions are discovered in some patch because I'm 100% sure that when I played for the first time, save scumming was working just fine.
end quote ----
@InEffect: I've read some more of your build guides; again, great work, this will help quite a lot if I ever get out of the FOMO-pit (so many great classes). I also skimmed over your unfair guide. It's a good guide with lots of useful information which I'll put into effect (almost-pun fully intended. Do you find it as hilarious as I do? No? Oh.).
That said, it's a bit rash of you to assume I've read it or even known of its existence, especially since it is neither a sticky, nor linked in your build overview and you didn't mention it in your first post. The search term "unfair guide" isn't really something I'd relate to my posted question, either. Generations of vidya have trained us to always check the surroundings first and the obvious quest marker second. So far, I'm rather fond of the fresh way Kingmaker handles that. You could have used your post as an opportunity to give someone who's interested in the same niche game you're interested in a friendly heads-up about how Pathfinder: Kingmaker differs from the vast majority of games in that it's not only okay, but rather encouraged, to do the main quests asap, because of the whole time mechanic.
You seem to have completely missed the point of my original post. I didn't ask whether or not I'm on the right track, exploration-wise, but rather how the mechanics for finding hidden locations on the worldmap seem to differ from what the game tells the player. It seems to consist not only of a simple perception check (since that would be automatically passed via my mentioned cross-checking via bag of tricks), but rather a combination of that check and a minimum threshold (which is mentioned nowhere and is exactly the piece of information I was looking for). Other users were more on point with their contribution and managed to behave in a non-passive-aggressive manner.
I'm sorry to hear my question triggered your low tolerance for whatever it is you don't tolerate. Since you didn't answer the original creator of the post who had the same question, you seem to understand the concept of not participating when you find an inquiry difficult to tolerate. Since for whatever reason you felt compelled to chime in now, let me remind you that you were and still are absolutely free to just ignore this thread and live your life. To quote the great Ricky Gervais: "That’s like going to a notice board in the middle of town, seeing a sign for guitar lessons, and yelling, “I DON’T WANT guitar lessons!” Well, it wasn’t for you."
I don't feel qualified to make guesses about the objective quality of this or that internet guide, but you didn't elaborate on (or even touch upon) why said guide would be regarded as janky. It did occur to me that this specific guide doesn't use your build contributions like e. g. the neoseeker one does, but since I know fuck-all about you, I'm inclined to give you the benefit of doubt and not assume some petty ego-related reason.
I'm thinking perhaps in dealing with you it's best to take a perspective like many avid readers do when it comes to H. P. Lovecraft: Separate the craft from the creator. Thus, I acknowledge your work as the valuable addition to the meta it really is, and bid you a good day; it has been entirely unpleasant conversing with you.
@Pangaea666: It doesn't seem to be connected with story events, but your input is appreciated.
@Grrymjo: I did read the In-game Encyclopedia. The game just doesn't explain it to the player that there is a minimum treshold and not even a natural 20 gets you the location on the map if none of your active party members has a perception skill above that threshold. That's the part which confused me and made me think it might be a bug. Thank you for your input, though. I appreciate it.
Post edited May 24, 2020 by DasXyla