jimmybackman: What ability scores assuming human with +2 to DEX, and should you multi class a monk at all? For example a couple of levels rogue for some added damage die while flanking?
Mastererrant: I'm personally contemplating a sorcerer with a couple of levels of scaled fist. for the AC and melee boost (with 16 Dec 18 Cha before leveling and items it'd be 20 ac at first with mage armor Before items.)
you will never be competent melee unless you go for dragon forms. then your phys stats become too important. so you can't afford to go anything but draconic sorc15/dragon disciple4/monk1 to keep lvl9 spells and get enough phys stats and AC to survive. so 1 level of monk is the best you can do. evasion is not worth the losses. ranged casters do not need defenses at all. melee guys need ALL the defenses. no middle-ground there.