Posted October 12, 2018
I have been quietly muddling along this game (through chapter 4) fighting the bugs as they come at me and seem to be okay for the most part. Until certain events/problems hitting in chapter 4. Without throwing specific spoilers in, there are some quests that take you down a damaging path for your kingdom, however you can work through them with a little loyalty damage, I went from serene to stable, no big, I can come back from that. However, upon completing one such quest( I have a final 'problem' come up that I am assigned to, not an advisor and it says "Success" you lose 18 loyalty. Wait, what? Then another Success for a different story quest, another 6 point loss (advisor problem success) and then an advisor comes to me (after I advance her level) There is a new bad thing/person we need to deal with, you lose 9 loyalty, have a nice day. None of these scenarios gave me any options. Just loyalty losses. I have my kingdom on easy management, and I am now down to worried and afraid to keep playing. Is this normal, buggy or what? All patches current in my game.
This question / problem has been solved by dessoul