myztikrice: Once you progress far enough in the story to reach Economy 6+, your economic advisor will offer you a dialog option where choosing the Chaotic Neutral option gives you a completely OP project that gives you BP every week and moves you up one stage of unrest every month
DF1871: Never got this, during my 2 finished playthroughs i reached 10 for all stats expect espionage and the only project i got that affect unrest is the Hellknight pact that gives you Stability each week(?) and a chance to raise unrest if at -2 or below. Was it a aligment locked option?
don't think so. treasurer comes and says something like "we are running low on gold we should raise taxes" and you can choose a line that reads something like "how about no taxes instead". don't remember exactly at what rank it happens. somewhere between 6 and 8.