Herode_: Yes, items with a halo can be interesting to save.
I don't know for all of them but I recently discovered that old elven loreteller in chapter 2, who buys antiques for a very good price, far above the price a standard merchant will offer you for those.
He is also Telling a stories (he is Storyteller not Loreteler btw) for sets of items. For each set You'll get huge amiunt of gold and pretty nice pool of exp. Stories are really interesting if someone is more than just clicking off all the dialogue options and if you manage to ask the right questions.
Spoiler below!
First set of items is obtainable in first chapter - those are Restovic Items (like Restovic Inquisitor's crossbow). There is six of them together thay can be exchanged for 4000 gold and iirc arounfd 1k exp.