Libita: I'm playing with the idea to start a first go towards Unfair and I think about including a raycaster Wiz or Sorc/Vivi/AT. You do have a build like that up (AT sorc). Do you think that kind of character will manage on Unfair? Because I had a lot of trouble hitting anything with Octavia rays on Hard, so I imagine Unfair merc could have some difficulty too.
Also, would picking a Divination Wizard instead of a Sorc be okay? Less damage per Ray, less spells, but I imagine the rest of the party will like the aura a lot, and I get spell levels earlier.
eh... well... let's break a few things about unfair in general.
1. For unfair, at least if you go with party, you have to go melee tank with MC. There is some slack in what exactly you go for, but the fact that it's gonna be a)unarmored monk gish b)have mirror image c)STR-based two-handed build as you will need to push a whole lot of damage.
2. You will hire sylvan sorc merc first order of business or you are not getting far. You need that grease and a pet to trigger encounters.
3. You might want to hire proper cleric(being erastil community+animal) sometime soon-ish. Not very pressing and it's totally possible to do without, but you might want to do it, especially if you are new to the whole unfair degeneracy.
4. You will take Valerie and use her in a bard spec. Because mirror image.
5. You will need RTA blaster and jubi camping ability is awesome, so that's kinda set ass well.
That leaves you with 4 slots taken the rest you can do whatever with.
As to ray-casters there is true strike that you should use liberally, unless you want your rays missing all the time.
As to wizards.... main problem is they bring too little into the mix. You kinda want everyone to do more than one thing. And do them well. If I were to take wizard of any sort it'd likely be either savant or arcane bomber as those have stuff to do. Also no, wizards get spells at exactly the same speed, because they will want to take either Vivisectionist1+AT levels(V2 after lvl9 spells for cognatogen) or 2 grenadier levels for the same reason, but those would make bomber party-friendly. There was a savant here looks ok-ish.
on the topic of diviner... Main problem would be to find divination spells to fill the slots. Guess one could extrend and/or heighten sense vitals, but that's too many sense vitals... I'd much rather go conjuration and would've dropped necro and enchantment. Or abjuration and enchantment. Facts are erastil community domain is all the AB/AC buff you will ever need for hard fights once he gets to level8.
Turned out a bit blunt, but it's true. I would encourage you to try and go whatever you think would work still. At least you would have a point of reference once you pick up sylvan sorc with grease and a good melee like saint vivisector.
Last thing I would advise to game the EXP system as it makes everything less of an eternal pain. go through A1 with val yourself, sylvan and tristuan not sharing exp and hog all the skill exp you can on MC too. turn on exp sharing before recruiting NPC's and turn it off again. You won't use any of them anyways, but it's a bit of exp for them for those kingdom stats. Around when you recruit Jubi leave ep sharing on forever.
Big early persuasion Exp payouts are if you insult the priest in A1 and pink horse encounter in tn the marshes late A2 (both around 35k unshared exp iirc).
Hope it helps.