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I like to play the game with different characters and different alignments to see almost every aspect, different dialogs and different town center looks.

Before starting my 7th run now (2 I have abandonded because of earlier bugs or setting kingdom management to automatic, which was a bad idea ;-() I have two questions:

1. Under which circumstances is Tristian unblinded by Saranrae? In one of the earlier runs I achieved this, but was unable to reproduce it later on, however hard I tried.

2. Under which circumstances does Jaethal kill Tristian? This was a big surprise in my last run and I don't know why? Tristian is my "best man" in the end game, because he is the only one who can use the very powerful "Secret of Suramgamin" spells.

1. I believe if you go first to him between him and Amiri, you will then get a option to remove his blindness at the end of his quest line. I will save before the last part and i'm not really sure about this....

2. If Jeathal become a greater undead, if you kill her or if you don't complete her quest. So do Jeathal quest as good as possible and by staying loyal to her when needed, then Tristan will be safe. There are probably other ways.
Post edited March 31, 2020 by gravel04
bloerg: 1. Under which circumstances is Tristian unblinded by Saranrae? In one of the earlier runs I achieved this, but was unable to reproduce it later on, however hard I tried.
Think he's unblinded if you convince him to destroy the eye. Then he has no need to be blinded anymore. Not sure if later choice of being mortal or going back to serenrae matters. Probably does. Don't give that much of a damn about him, so don't quote me on that, but that's what I think how it works. Think I got that once.
bloerg: 2. Under which circumstances does Jaethal kill Tristian? This was a big surprise in my last run and I don't know why? Tristian is my "best man" in the end game, because he is the only one who can use the very powerful "Secret of Suramgamin" spells.
Never had that. Likely if you say to Tristian he's a worthless slob enough times without killing or kicking him and don't finish his quest and finish Jae quest.
Post edited March 31, 2020 by InEffect
bloerg: 1. Under which circumstances is Tristian unblinded by Saranrae? In one of the earlier runs I achieved this, but was unable to reproduce it later on, however hard I tried.
Never, basically. Him staying blind is the one constant between all the ways to resolve his personal story arc.