Wompoo: Bugs aren't the only issue it has ...the game has very very poor pacing of events, with some research events being ridiculously too long to complete, because they are handled by the 2 priests only... at times the same event occurs 3 and 4 times (before any duplicate has completed) within 3 or four days of each other, setting up Kingdom failure with no way of addressing the spiral accept just sitting there watching it happen, compounded because only 2 NPCs can address the event and they are already doing multiple versions of the same event. Wasted enough time on this cluster fuck already. I'll give it more time in the beta oven before coming back to this. "The event is Dark Epidemic".
Not only this, but its balanced a bit strange. after a lot of reinstalling and testing out i was able to get it running without crashing. I am continuing the 5th chapter with the pixarian incident at the moment. And there are a lot of events, which needs an amount of 35 to be solved. My kingdom management areas (military, etc) are mostly somewhere between 4-6, even i tried my best to upgrade them. Even with a very good advisor, you have trouble to get more then 18 points for the advisor there. So, to be able to solve this events, you need to "roll" a 17 or higher on a D20. Each of them.
And a lot of them are unrest causing. I had 3 events with dark feys, each of them -1, then the pixarian killings in my main city, -1. And i guess, there are other ones. And i want to point out, that your kingdom fails at -4 or -5 (i am not sure about this number at the moment)
Either you have been able to reach like level 10 in the most important management areas at the end of chapter 4, or you are out of the game.
I must think about this, when i read the posts in steam, where people complain about hard events in the early phase, like the "drunk giant" thing. Your kingdom has to fail, because some dev deceided to adjust this part of the game as "difficult to solve", even as you play on easy or normal.