Arcanthias: I also killed Iuz in the vanilla game without too much issue, it is true the game is quite easy with prior knowledge of the encounters. I remember that with the Co8 mod the Iuz fight was quite the feat, it also did some things to the overall difficulty of the game as well (the node guardians were quite challenging as well iirc). The game was also maybe twice as long as they added a lot of things to do in the later versions so I was much higher level at that time.
I haven't played ToEE without Co8 and T+. Or rather I tried years and years ago on release and couldn't stomach it, so I kinda abandoned it till a few years back.
Arcanthias: I had no issues in fangberry cave as I am well aware of the swarm mechanics, being a former pathfinder dm and player for many years. My only issue with PK for now is somewhat similar to the one in TOEE : the game is way easier if you already know the encounters in advance.
There is unfair difficulty for that.
Arcanthias: There is no way to know in advance if you are going to be faced with impossible odds, and running away from a bad situation doesn't seems to be an option,
There actually is a way for both things. You get the info from NPC's if you listen to what they have to say carefully and are reading journal, so you know what linzy has to say and environment+scouting do tell you what you need to know. For example infamous wisp encounter in sycamore. You get lots of corpses... so you can conclude that whatever killed em could dispatch with a low-level party, at the least. Those were not peasants. Basically, the game expects you to keep more attention to environment than is common in cRPG's. As to running away... it's possible, just not off the map. Basically how it works is if you are far enough away from enemies you pop out of combat. Easiest way to do that is to cast web+haste and book it.
Arcanthias: But all in all, easier or not with the turn based mod,
There is no question about that. It's easier on lower difficulties and nigh impossible on unfair with TB(at least for the first half of the game).
Arcanthias: I find PK with it to be really satisfying, more so than the base game. I hate placing a fireball template just to see the targets getting away just before it lands because of the real time...
It's easy once you just tie everything up in summons and a frontline and then just cast on the line of engagement. And most of the best spells in the game are party-friendly anyways