InEffect: tabletop exp would not work in crpg. the amount of automation that happens allows and calls for hordes of monsters that would be simply impossible to run in pnp. if they did appropriate number of mobs and xp for them people would complain the game is empty.
and yeah skillchecks and quests give a lot comparatively, as the amount of those challenges stayed the same from pnp more or less.
upd. come to think of it if they tweaked the exp a tiny bit people wold finish the game lvl20 and maybe have more time to have fun with that. so maybe it will be something they will look at later, when they major issues are fixed.
Respectfully and limitedly disagree. P&P usually rolls out as a steady slow progresstion with big bumps at critical Decision points, as well as major fights. and this game is like that Slow progress till you hit certain places and the pop.
whereas Baldurs gate for example is a pretty fast almost straight curve till the midlle end game.
Most CRPGs have a faster more responsive XP curve to keep people excited.