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Wanted to cancel post --sorry can't figure out how to delete.

But just to clarify for those having this problem:

>"Linzi attacks Amiri with Cure Light Wounds"
>"Linzi misses"
>"Linzi attacks Amiri with Cure Light Wounds"
>"Linzi Hits"
>"Amiri is healed 5 hp"

This comes from the Rod of Reach metamagic feat.
==>Basically, a touch spell becomes a ranged touch attack.
Sounds cool, however, even if you're not in combat, the AI is pretty dumb, and uses the reach ability for Cure Light Wounds, even if Linzi (in this case) is standing right next to Amiri.

Solution: remove Rod of Reach when not in combat.
Post edited October 05, 2018 by underthewronghat