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I am still getting great equipment drops ... for minions not in my pool. Am a wee bit frustrated with that. Grrr. Getting no love from trolling the catacombs either although I am picking up a lot of levels - which helps offset the low level equipment my minions are carrying. I may have to break my 'no buying from the shop' rule again.

Would be nice if there was some modifier in the random generator that gave a bit of a bump to finding equipment your party can use, not just sell.
Have been wandering aimlessly around Level 6 for a while. Bigger dungeon so those corridors that look exactly alike are starting to get old. And unlike other levels the enemies seem to regenerate. On previous levels I would know that I had been down one of those identical corridors because there were no more enemies. This strategy is not working for this part of the game.

Which brings me to my suggestion: I am willing to expend a few precious energy points to be able to create signs, make marks on the walls, see my footprints - anything that would let me know I have already gone down that corridor and checked out that wall/door/button. You would think a powerful sorcerer with all of those minions could manage something like that.

And in case any devs are reading this forum a few bugs playing on a Mac, 10.8.5: 1) Hit escape to save the game and the menu did not come up, which was a bit nerve wracking. The menu finally came up after trying several times. 2) Cannot see all of the enemies. Even when there are only three enemies sometimes two of the enemies are superimposed on each other, showing only two. This seems to be happening more frequently once I hit Dungeon Level 5.
The section you're referring to can be distinguished as a respawn area by its appearance: it has an all-black architecture similar to that of the catacombs. There are two areas like this in the "normal" dungeon.