I ran across this while reading a PG 2 review . . . not really an answer for you question but may be of help as the N key may work the same on PG 3D.
"While the detail of the maps is unquestionably a strength of PG2, it comes at a cost. The units that represent your forces sometimes get lost in all that detail. It's not true 3D, but the tanks, planes, ships, and infantry are depicted from different angles so that they turn facing for movement and attack. They are quite nicely rendered, but more than once I lost an artillery piece among the buildings of a town, or a plane that was flying over another unit. That's the trade-off for the high resolution (and it's really a moot point since you can scroll through units using the "N" key), but it's somewhat of a nuisance."
Post edited June 16, 2010 by Stuff