The other posts all discussed the campaign one - there you have to deploy at start. To be exact, the discussed victory hex is only available for deployment in the deployment phase, not anymore at start of turn 1.
About the scenario variant of the game: See the starting deployments in the attached screenshot (created with Luis Guzman's
Suite PG2). Avoiding the stretch of land along the river where most Soviet units are deployed and rushing down between the next two rivers might be key.
I experimented a bit with the start: Retreat all units on the southwestern riverbank out of view except the one (two?) closest to the north which moves northwest of the city to help the other units there (should the artillery also be moved initially? the fighters are a danger for it). The northernmost artillery attacks the visible artillery, the infantry goes onto the river hex adjacent to the enemy artillery and spots and artillery next to that one. Bomber and artillery in the city attack it and hopefully destroy it. The infantry on the river hex finishes the northern artillery. The tank moves southeast of the city to prevent any enemy unit reaching our artillery in the city. An infantry remains south of the city to prevents attacks from there but will get take heavy damages during the enemy turn and move away from the front line in our next turn and be replaced with a fresh unit.
During the enemy turn, the T34/41 with 13 strength points attacks the infantry on the river hex which takes losses between 50-100% and retreats or not. The 2 artilleries in range attack the tank as does the bomber. If the infantry is still on the river hex, it might inflight 3 strength point damage now (with luck more) and cause the retreat of the tank on the eastern river hex where a fighter can finish it.
The next step seems to be the destruction of the artillery SSE of the city with bomber and fighters attacking while tank and infantry making progress from the north. It's not obvious when the other T34 and the KV-1 waiting in the east move westwards and attack (depending on damage taken by the Soviet side?) but the plan to counter should be to have the own tank at the western end of the long bridge, maybe already with artillery backup. I have seen the KV-1 attacking alone at the few hexes southern and being able to deal out damage with tank and infantry because it was on a bridge/river hex. But in another attempt, both attacked at the same time...
Does it make sense to move all southwestern units up to the north? When left unattended after the initial retreat, an enemy infantry will try to cross after a few turns. Having the Panzer IVD to attack it (and take the artillery fire) looks like the only way to prevent a breakthrough which would allow a deluge of enemy units behind the own northern line.